Vitamin Energy

Its Midterm Week!!!! Hence the chocolate, the stress, the sugar, the late nights/early mornings, and ohhhh the coffee. Really its like the one time during the semester I really truly feel like a college student. It's not that I don't have tests and stuff the rest of the semester, but it is during this week that I begin to feel a little bit of stress and hence spend a bit more time studying or at least attempting to study. This week I had a music family tree due on Monday which I pretty much finished on Sunday night at like 1 am and then I proceeded to somehow loose the file for Monday morning, but i completed the project by class time. On Tues, I gave a group speech about Sudan and the civil war there: it went ok I think, then it was a biology test covering bones and muscles, of which i had to be able to identify several without the book, i did ok there, and then it was my ridiculous child psychology class, with another test that was better than last time but still not great, I will have to say though that I got the most out of his lecture last night than all of the other ones he has given up till this halfway point, and then today it was humanities for which i think i did ok, but i had to do things like name 3 impressionist painters and of course my mind went completely blank, all i could come up with was initials, we'll see how that goes over. :-)
And hence the title of this post.... getting up before 5 am to study leads to this.....
vitamin energy.... its a drink that i really enjoy, which doesn't give me the normal caffeine buzz but i do feel the energy, the can says nutrients are the new energy. I won't tell you the calorie content since I have absolutely no idea if its good or bad, but it does have 100% vit. c, vit. b3, b6, b12, b5 and folic acid..... so somehow it must be good for me!! and that's my advertisement for the month!! :-)
I was babysitting today and the 5 year old asked the most intriguing question over lunch. its unique how the thought provoking questions come out then, maybe because its the time that they really do have my undivided attention more than any other time.... who knows, so the 4 year old started the conversation with talking about how we could still be living when God came back (i didn't even know he knew that) and it took me a minute to connect and then I was like yes that's true... which then led to a conversation about salvation and how important it was to have Jesus in our hearts to go to heaven, which then led to the 5 year old asking me why and stating that Jesus would let even the people who didn't have Him in their hearts could go to heaven to, when I told him no, he was then wondering if Jesus didn't like them or which i only hope I said the right thing to his little heart. WOW.... you don't really expect to hear that sort of things out of the mouth of 4 and 5 year olds but I guess out of the mouth of babes.....
I am excited about moving away next fall ( don't ask where) but I am going to miss these kids like crazy.....
In other news.... I am so very glad tonight is the last debate for this presidential race... watching them just makes me want to throw the remote at the screen, and tell McCain what to say and Obama to please shut up already...... maybe someone should give McCain a vitamin energy, that would make for an interesting debate!!
i need to go now... i have to write a short paper on the effects of Motown on my life, which is somewhat tough because 1) i had never heard of them until a few weeks ago and 2) the only Motown song that I have ever heard (as far as I know) is My girl... how am i going to do that?? But its ok because the effects of the energy are kicking in and I think I can write this paper now.......
The effects of Vitamin Water!!!!!!:-) (not the picure)

Our Family picture taken last Sunday

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Kati said...

Wow! Amazing God gave you opportunity to talk to these little kids about Jesus! We just never know when opportunity will come. I guess that's why He calls us to "always be prepared to give an answer....."

Awesome family picture!

Charity said...

I love the picture! I can't wait for the day when we can get a presentable family picture in less than 103 tries, with everyone sitting up and smiling all on their own!

It's too bad you couldn't have taken the picture with a car zooming toward you in the background. ;)

Margaret said...

wow! you've definitely improved the spelling and grammar (except for a couple and i'll just let that go) :)

vitamin water? chocolate? sugar? late nights/early mornings? coffee? no wonder your're stressed! i'd be beyond stressed.

Jessi said...

that is one of the COOLEST pictures i have ever seen! Is the picture supposed to remind you(us) of our journey that we're on?

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Nicole Marie
Azusa Pacific University, 2011 Social Work Student. Los Angeles, California. Being Aunt Cole to my niece Kinzie Blaze. My Family. My Church family at Grace. The color Orange. Beaches. Photography. Family. Church. Reformed Theology. Ohio State Football. Kids. Shorts and Flipflops. Travel. 3rd World Country's. Sunshine. Graphic Design. Music. Movies old&new This is me and so much more
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