Version 2.0

I think it is probably time for me to blog about this.....

Back in April me and mom and dad boarded a plane and headed to Los Angelos California to visit Azusa Pacific University. We got in to LA Wed. morning and left on Sat.
Wed. we spent to day tooling around LA. We went to the beach for awhile and then drove around Malibu and such before heading to Azusa to look at the school before visiting on Thursday. on Thursday we spent the entire day at APU and I spent the night there. On Friday we headed back to LA area and spent quite a bit of time in Hollywood area. Then we headed to the beach for the evening.

After seeing APU on Wednesday, I was left feeling really out of sorts and I couldn't figure out why. On Thursday we went for our official visit day. I was very impressed....they had the entire day laid out for me. I did not feel like I was just a number to them. I felt like I was actually wanted there. The campus was beautiful with lots of green and trees all around with lots of study places outside!! The people there were very friendly and nice.
But perhaps the greatest thing that I saw was when we visited a class and the professor was able to talk about GOD and following His leading and will in our lives. I loved the openness to GOD at this school!!! The professors are actually required to have a statement of faith to be hired there.
I was also (along with my dad) very impressed with the social work program there. In fact some students are doing masters level internships when they are only at the bachelor level. The program is a lot of work and intense but its also a very good program. It would definitely get me where I need to go.
I had the opportunity to meet with several different people:
the admissions counselor that I have had since before i even applied, he was very helpful and continues to be so with any questions that I had while I was there and any questions or concerns that I have now. I love the fact that someone actually cares and that it is their job to do so.
I met with a department head for the social work program and she was very helpful in figuring out exactly the course of action that I need to take.
and finally I met a student ambassador and I actually got to spend the night on campus. It was actually a lot of fun. I got a pretty good idea of campus life in the evening and I got to see the interactions between the students who live in close proximity.
Needless to say I was impressed, but it was like something was missing... I was still left feeling out of sorts Thurs. night. Looking back I know that I was looking for this huge sign from God that would tell me that this is it. This is the place that you are supposed to be. And all day I never saw that large sign nor had that huge feeling that so many people talk about having.....
On Friday when dad came to get me, as we were driving back to the hotel and as i was packing up and getting ready it hit me..... all i really wanted to do was go back and see the place all over again... i wanted to just be there.... and i realized that God had given me a sign... in fact He had given me many signs... I had just been to blind or stupid to see them. See I was looking for a bigger than life sign, but all day God showed me all of these LITTLE things that pointed me to the fact that this was the place for me. He wanted me to have a little more faith in Him, and to completely trust Him when I didn't see MY sign. He wanted me to see that it was Him not me who made this all happen and that He is giving me this opportunity.
Pretty much I had made my decision, yes there were still things to look into but everything I had wanted in a college was right there at APU and I felt God's blessings on it.
The rest of the day Friday we spent in Hollywood and at the beautiful coast.
Sad to say I took absolutely NO pictures at the school but many of other things....

but here is one pic of the west campus that I found elsewhere.... beautiful!!!!

So YES YES YES...... I am going to Azusa Pacific long as God wills it so...
And I am uber duper super ecstatically EXCITED about it!!! Money is still a concern but i KNOW that God will provide as He sees fit.
Orientation and move-in begins September 4th.
I will be living in an on-campus apartment with 3-4 other girls... so my summer will be spent trying to prepare for living away from home(something I have never done before) with all of the things that I will need from sheets to kitchen things. Honestly its a bit overwhelming trying to figure out needs vs. wants. Particularily when money is tight..... But I know that God is good and He will provide.... And if any of you have really sweet cool good ideas about stuff you cannot live without or maybe you can but its still a good idea...... I am open to anything!!!!!
And according to the countdown on my page I have about 77 days until my family and I drive 2000 miles to take me to school in Azusa, CA!!!!!!
Im diving in... im going deep!!!

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Rod and Sara said...

congrats friend! Sounds like an adventure!!!
I would love to help you out with some of your needs... do you know what size your bed is? And what kitchen things things are there already? Let me know what you need!

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Nicole Yost
Azusa Pacific University
P.O. Box 9521 Unit 5026
Azusa, CA 91702
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Nicole Yost
Azusa Pacific University
701 E. Foothill Blvd. Unit 5026
Azusa, CA 91702
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Nicole Marie
Azusa Pacific University, 2011 Social Work Student. Los Angeles, California. Being Aunt Cole to my niece Kinzie Blaze. My Family. My Church family at Grace. The color Orange. Beaches. Photography. Family. Church. Reformed Theology. Ohio State Football. Kids. Shorts and Flipflops. Travel. 3rd World Country's. Sunshine. Graphic Design. Music. Movies old&new This is me and so much more
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