Boundless Summer Challenge #4

Boundless Summer Challenge #4
Yes. I am still many days behind in this challenge but now that school is done maybe it will be time for catching up....I have looked at most of the challenges that I have yet to complete....I just need to do them and write about them!! 

So Challenge #4 is all about love and respect. And communicating respect to the men in my life.
Ephesians 5:33 says “However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” I'm not married so it got me to thinking about how this could possibly relate to me. Then I realized that I have three different men in the close proximity of my life and how do I respect them? As the first chapter of Love and Respect talks about. 
I have a dad and two younger brothers. I don't feel that it is incredibly hard to respect my dad (thanks for the example mom!) Although I am rarely perfect at showing him the respect (I think just last night I snarked at him for telling me to hurry up :)) But still I know that my dad loves me. I think that all of the things that he has done for me are proof of that. For all the times he has worked on my computer, or fixed my car or the billions of other things. Showing my dad respect is usually not that hard. Where I really struggle to show respect, and where I am just now learning I need to is to both of my brothers. Often I am left feeling like because I am the oldest, and yet a girl I have something that I still need to prove to them. Who knows, maybe I would like a little respect to. But I am realizing that in this verse Paul isn't saying to show them respect when the show they love me or that they respect me. He is saying to do it anyways. I need to value more what they say. Pay more attention to their lives. And respect what they do. No they don't have to do what I think they should, but from here on out I will show them respect, by not talking down to them, by acknowledging what they say, by being excited for their lives. And only then will I begin to get the love and the respect that I desire deep down from them. 
Its not an easy task for me, as I ALWAYS have to stop and think before I speak.....but for the GRACE of GOD here go I.

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